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Is There Another Procedure That Can Get Rid of My Wrinkles?

One of the most common cosmetic surgeries across the globe is microneedling. It is the most dynamic and reputable skincare treatment available because it stimulates your skin to yield additional collagen and facilitates neovascularization. The following is an overview of what to expect during the recovery process.

Recovery After Microneedling

Believe it or not, microneedling recovery only takes a day. Nevertheless, based on the scope of the procedure, it could take a maximum of three days. You will be able to resume work or school as soon as the treatment is completed. However, you should wait and wear makeup for at least 24 hours following your microneedling procedure. Six weeks later, you will require follow-up treatment.

Schedule of Subsequent Microneedling Procedures

Depending on the outcomes you desire, you may require one or more follow-up microneedling appointments, following your first session. When it comes to smoothing wrinkles, fine lines, and other texture problems, as well as improving skin tone, most people require at least two consultations to obtain flawless skin.

When dealing with more significant problems, including keloid and trauma scars, you may require six to eight treatments. Because each appointment must be spread between a month or so apart, the end result of your treatment may take more than six months. Nevertheless, outcomes will enhance for another six to twelve months after that.


Microneedling Aftercare

Even though microneedling heals your skin in about a day, the aftercare process can take a few weeks. Compliance to aftercare advice is critical to ensuring that your collagen develops as rapidly as possible and that you get the results you are looking for. You should follow through with the advice from your doctor, to boost collagen health.

What Are Some Tips for After-Procedure Skin Care? 

Avoid Artificial Tanning

Avoid any tanning beds, if at all possible, because it can reverse your results. Indoor tanning is an often forgotten cause of UV ray exposure. Unfortunately, indoor tanning is very harmful to the skin. In fact, it is more harmful than lying in the sun daily.  It will cause early signs of aging along with skin cancer.

Purchase a spray tan if you need that desired bronze glow to boost your confidence.  If you’re concerned that you aren’t going to have that natural look, seek advice from close friends or family.

Drink Plenty of Water Regularly

Staying hydrated keeps your skin and collagen healthy after microneedling. You should drink at least six glasses of water a day. However, if you have a chronic condition or live an active lifestyle, you will need to drink additional water.

Unfortunately, a desire for fluids is a very late sign of dehydration. In other words, you will experience thirst long after your body needs fluids.

Eat Plenty of Protein Daily

To help collagen production, consume a lot of protein. Chicken, tuna, white fish, and eggs are all good sources of protein. Since collagen is a form of protein, eating plenty of protein for your skin is critical.

Avoid Smoking

It’s critical not to smoke for six weeks after your microneedling session. Tobacco products contain countless numbers of chemical compounds that damage existing collagen and slow the rate at which new, healthy collagen is produced by your skin. This implies that your treatments will not produce the best results conceivable.

Furthermore, smoking raises your blood pressure, which lengthens your recovery time. Tobacco constricts your blood vessels, which prevents essential hormones, nutrients, and other critical substances from reaching your skin and keeping it looking youthful and healthy.

If you desire to undergo microneedling, consult your local cosmetic surgeon. He or she will provide you with detailed information regarding advanced technology on Microneedling that will give you the maximum results you are looking for.

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