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Why Choosing Dental Implants?

When an artificial structure is placed in a person’s jawbone to replace his missing tooth, it is a cosmetic dental treatment called dental implants. If a person has lost one or more teeth, they may need this cosmetic dental treatment. These days, this method is one of the most suggested treatments for those with missing teeth, no matter how many teeth are lost. This cosmetic dental method can be applied for one lost tooth or more than one. But, when it comes to dental implant surgery, people consider one significant factor, and that is: How much do dental implants cost? According to an experienced dentist, the cost varies due to factors such as the number of lost teeth, the patient’s oral conditions, etc. Generally, being knowledgeable enough about this dental method can help decide whether to have it or not. Besides, you can understand if this is a costly method or not. Continue reading to learn more about this cosmetic dental treatment.

What Are the Process of Dental Implants?

Depending on your condition, the cosmetic dentist will explain to you the surgery process, the amount of anesthesia, the cost, and the medicines you have to take after the treatment process. Then he will use CT scans to check the patient’s jawbone density and dental hygiene. The patient should have healthy gums in order to hold the implant firmly in its place and practice good oral hygiene.

A dental implant consists of a fixture (a titanium screw) and a crown. If there is enough bone in the jawbone, the cosmetic dentist will make a small hole in the gum and insert the titanium screw in it through the surgical process. If there is insufficient bone, bone grafting is required.

After a few months, the abutment is attached to the fixture if the screw is integrated with the jaw bone. Then a crown or prosthesis is placed over it. If the patient has lost one of his teeth, a single dental implant is required. When two or three teeth are missed, multiple dental implants are recommended. In this case, the middle tooth does not have the fixture, and it is supported by the adjacent implanted teeth. If you have lost all of the teeth in one jaw arc, all-on-four (AO4) dental implants are used.

Your cosmetic dentist will recommend the best treatment plan for you based on your oral tissue condition, oral hygiene, and personal habits. You should follow the instructions. Post-implant care is one of the most important things to consider after implant surgery. If you are a smoker, it is better to quit smoking. Smoking can affect osseointegration, the process that connects a dental implant to the jawbone. In addition, some medical conditions, such as active diabetes, cancer, or periodontal disease, may require further treatment or control over these conditions. The patient should eat soup and watery foods in the few days after the surgery. The dentist prescribes some painkillers to help the patient control the pain. Bleeding and swelling are normal within a few days after the surgery. You can apply a cold compress to control them. If the bleeding persists and you feel severe pain after several days, call the emergency dentist.

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