Why is our Younger Generation More Susceptible to Drugs?

Why is our Younger Generation More Susceptible to Drugs?

The number of addicts has been steadily rising and there are no signs of this rise stopping unless we as a society take immediate and strong action to counter this rise of addiction. If no action is taken, then the future of our country will be bleak. The main reason behind this is that among the new addicts there is an alarming number of youngsters present and if this continues as it is the people who are meant to in the future carry this country are becoming a burden on this nation. These young people often become lifelong addicts and often end up hurting not only themselves but also those around them as they often turn to crime to support their addiction. Even in the case that they do not become addicted to a drug these youngsters can often end up destroying their lives any way if they are caught with drugs. Having illicit drugs on your person can net several years in jail and any such stint means that any hopes of having a proper degree and job are gone.

So, understanding why the younger generation is more susceptible to drugs can help in reducing the number of addicts among the college and university-going population.

One of the main reasons is the fact that one bad apple spoils the bunch. The metaphor is quite suitable for the situation as the youngsters are often easily coerced to do different things. These people are often passionate and short-tempered as they often want to prove themselves as strong and independent to whoever they meet. Young people oftentimes are pressured to act like what their peers are doing as they believe that if they do not partake in the same act they will be left out and lose their social group. Due to this they are oftentimes easily maneuvered into a lot of illegal acts with drug abuse being one of them. These bad apples can problematic youth themselves who fell into drug abuse before or these can be people that are placed by the drug dealers to sell their product. In most cases, it is a mix of two as the drug dealers often offer incentives to spread their product. The youngsters are gullible and in the effort of trying to prove themselves they often end up aiding and abetting the criminals and this tale often ends up with these youngsters going to jails while the real criminals behind them roam free.

Drug Abuse & Treatment for Drug Addiction

The portrayal of drugs in tv and movies has also changed and instead of opposing them, they seem to straddle the fence in a way. In movies and tv, open use of drugs is depicted with a paltry warning in only some cases. These are what our youngsters look up to. Many are unconsciously inspired by the kind of media they consume and so the people who watch a lot of media with only ambiguous clues with regards to drugs often develop a positive opinion of drugs or at least drop their inhibition in regard to drugs.

Moreover, the amount of mental pressure that students nowadays have to face is immense as they are constantly locked in a struggle for academic or sports performance. Their parents and teachers have a lot of expectations from them, some of which are very unfair.

So, if you are or if you know someone else who is chained by addiction it is prudent to get an appointment at a rehab and detox center. Lookup a local option online as it is the most convenient i.e. phoenix detox center. Knowing how to help is the best way of ensuring your or your loved one’s future.

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