7 Resolutions You’ll Be Sure to Stick to (And How!)

Is it just us or are New Year’s resolutions somehow harder to follow than the rest of the year’s goals? Perhaps it’s because they tend to be a bit loftier than the standard mid-year ones, and because we put so much pressure on ourselves to get them done. This year, we’re trying something different. Rather than making massive resolutions, we’re trying out some smaller, broader ones because those are the ones that tend to hang around for the whole year. Here are some resolution ideas you’ll actually want to stick to (and some advice on how to keep them alive).

Eat Cleaner

Clean eating is one of the very best ways to make yourself feel better on a day-to-day basis, especially if you’re looking to lose weight and boost your energy levels. Eliminating certain trigger foods and energy-zappers can also help lessen tummy troubles and keep you feeling energized.

How to Do It

Start by figuring out what foods cause you distress or make you feel sleepy. Try a low-FODMAP diet plan to help you identify what tends to wreak havoc on your system. What is FODMAP? Essentially, it’s an acronym that encompasses a broad range of common trouble foods that don’t sit well in the gut. It can serve as a roadmap to helping you figure out how to feel better.

Stay Organized

Clear space, clear mind. As cliché as that sounds, it’s so true. In fact, studies show that a clean, tidy physical environment equals fewer mental distractions, which can translate into more productivity and creativity.

How to Do It

When you’re trying to keep yourself organized, it’s crucial to set yourself up to succeed with solutions that are actually maintainable. For example, if the back of your closet tends to get and stay wrecked, it’s probably because you can’t reach it. But adding some shelving or pull-out drawers can change that.

Be Good to Your Teeth

Be Good to Your Teeth

The links between oral health and overall health are louder and clearer than ever before, so it’s essential that we pay special attention to our teeth and gums. Not doing so could leave us at a higher risk of developing heart disease and diabetes.

How to Do It

Try to get into the habit of brushing three times a day and flossing routinely. The best way to set yourself up for success here is to set realistic goals. You probably won’t go from flossing once a month to flossing every day, but you’ll certainly be able to transition to flossing a couple of times per week without issue.

Change Up Your Skincare Game

Having clear, healthy skin isn’t just about your self-confidence today. It’s also about setting yourself up for good skin tomorrow. And a happy, healthy, glowing complexion does more than just make you feel beautiful. It also helps you feel happy and signals self-confidence to those around you.

How to Do It

Like your oral health routine, your skincare routine is a lot more powerful if it’s easy to follow. You’ll only set yourself up to fail if you commit to an intense, multi-step regimen. Instead, keep it simple and set attainable goals, like washing your face every night before bed and following up with a dab of moisturizer.

Exercise More

Exercise has been cited as a bona fide miracle cure, as it helps stave off disease, sickness and mental health problems. Regularly working out also helps the body enhance and maintain energy levels, which is crucial when you’ve got so many great goals to achieve in the new year.

How to Do It

Don’t expect to go from couch potato to triathlete in a month’s time! Take baby steps and understand that a little bit goes a long way with regard to physical activity, both in terms of physical and mental well-being. Indeed, studies show that even a little bit of exercise has the power to make us happier, and even 10 minutes a day can lead to more cheer.

Stop Thinking Negatively

Stop Thinking Negatively

Negative self-talk can get in the way of so many good things — new connections, new opportunities at work, new hobbies and more. Finding ways to break through the boundaries of negativity can open up doors you never knew existed, helping you lead a happier, richer life.

How to Do It

It’s surprisingly tough to undo a habit as ingrained as negative thinking, but there are some tried and true techniques that work. One such example is mindfulness meditation. Meditation not only teaches us to relax, but it also teaches us tools for how to gain more control of our thoughts, which can be useful when trying to quiet the negativity. Repeating a positive mantra throughout the day, such as “I will think positively and generate positivity,” can help, too.

Stay in Touch with Friends

In 2020, we’ve all faced more loneliness than usual, and we know now more than ever how beneficial positive friendships and social interactions can be on our mental health. Maintaining quality friendships can lead to stronger feelings of happiness and self-confidence.

How to Do It

Make use of all the amazing tools we have to stay in touch with friends and family these days, from FaceTiming to playing video games together from afar. Make a mental note to check in with every single one of your loved ones once a week. That doesn’t have to mean an hour-long phone call or video chat, either. Something as simple as sending a quick text or even a meme will keep you feeling connected to everyone in your social circle.

Reach for the (Attainable) Stars

Here’s the thing: Sticking to a resolution is a whole lot easier when it’s an attainable one and when we alleviate some of the pressure. Look at the new year as a time to start fresh, but don’t expect yourself to do a total 180 in a month. It’s small, sustainable goals such as these that tend to breed success, so don’t overshoot! A little bit goes a long way when it comes to making life changes.

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